His first transformations were seen in the Thriller Video. His actual body had changed in that his skin color was a bit lighter and his nose was slightly pointier. Another major difference was that he lost the afro look and was now sporting longer hair with a few curls falling into his forehead. Something else that was different about Jackson is that in his video he was supposed to appear as a wolf at one point and a monster at another. The video had a ton of sexual meaning in it, like he was big bad wolf trying to get the girl. The type of story telling showed a different side of Jackson that people were not used to. It was as if he was trying to use his Thriller video to show people that he wasn't a little boy anymore and that he was a dominant sexual power.
I felt this transformation was similar to Justin Beiber's. His signature look was made up of his long hair (with hair flips) an innocent smile always paired with big dimples. Now that he has gotten older and wants to make music that appeals to people other than teen age girls, he has drastically changed his looks. He now wears baggy jeans, chains, cut his hair much shorting, and has countless tattoos. His new look seems like he is trying to show a new side of him that shows he's a bad boy and not for little girls anymore.

Your comparison of Michael Jackson and Justin Bieber is very interesting. I do find them share some common traits in terms of transforming into a new stage. Besides all you've talked about, I want to add more on their common ground. Both of their transformation received mass critical responses. Michael Jackson has been under severe doubts that he changed his skin color in order to look like "white" people. Justin Bieber's negative reviews are still overwhelmingly heard. I feel pretty sad about both of them. For people like Michael Jackson and Justin Bieber who have become famous when they're still young, they have to bear the pressure that even most of the adults couldn't stand. Every of their move receives critical response without doubts, thus it sometimes leads their rebellion or cynicism. I think we shouldn't forget change is not a bad thing, no matter if the result is good or not as we expected, the courage to change deserves some credits. I'm assuming if the atmosphere of the society is good-tempered, transformations for most of the time would turn out to be good.