Monday, January 26, 2015

Annika's blog post 1

One of the required articles, Janet Staiger’s Seeing Stars was an interesting read regarding the metaphorical birth of the star system and made me think about something that seems integrated to our present day society. Understanding the slow growth of the system, and how it was not initially perceived as advantageous for the industry reveals how differently the industry could have developed without the selling attraction of stars. Although today people’s obsession with is almost understandable due to the easy access to information online, as well as what is openly publicized. Understanding that stars like Rudolph Valentino carved out his own stardom reveals how he was at the forefront of the star system phenomenon which has allowed his stardom to still be recognized today. 

Staiger’s analysis regarding the star system shows the initial skepticism that came with the idea of promoting a film beyond its narrative and advertising the players. This shift in interest by the audience allowed stars like Valentino to flourish beyond his talent and attracted an audience simply do the persona he created for his characters. Though Valentino might not have attracted movie goers due to his off-screen persona, his on-screen persona combined with his looks practically guaranteed that there would be a good turnout. Valentino’s overwhelming success showed a change in the tide where an actor did not have to be the best performer, as long as they offered something else. Albeit an interesting off-screen persona or an attractive physique. But it makes me question if Valentino still would have been a star even if he was devoid of talent simply because he was exotic looking and he attracted a large, primarily female audience. 

With the star system continuing to grow due to stars like Valentino who was able to bring an audience simply by advertising his name provided reveals that as an audience we have always been hungry for more information regarding those who graced the big screen. And it is through this obsession that stars are created and made. This makes me question if the film industry would have been able to become so successful without the promotion and intrigue that came with the star system. Especially since this trend is the reason many films are still successful regardless of if their narrative is strong or not.

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