Sunday, January 25, 2015

Character Traits (Q4)

Question 4:

Dyer offers a list of traits that viewers depend upon in coming to understand the characters in a film. Discuss each of these ten 'signs' and come up with examples of each from films.

1. audience for knowledge: Audiences have a preconceived notion of what the character is like. They are are familiar with the character and therefore have expectations. -->  ex: Spider Man, Dracula
2. name: The name says a lot about the character.--> ex: Cruella De Vil sounds like the words "cruel" and "devil".
3. appearance: What they look like is one of their main defining characteristics. --> ex: Seth Rogen, or Jonah Hill
4. objective correlatives: Certain settings or objects that become attached to the character's brand or represent a certain aspect of the character --> ex: Indiana Jones' whip and map; In Jaws, the water represents Brody's fear
5. speech of character: The tone, pace, pitch and texture of the character's voice add an incredible amount of character. --> ex: In Showboat, the black characters talk really slowly to indicate their lack of education
6. speech of others: Other characters speaking about eachother to add description of the character. --> ex: Devil Wears Prada: characters talk about Meryl's bitchiness
7. gesture: Physicality and movement --> In My Fair Lady, Eliza's body language seemingly gives away her socio-economic status / Joker licking lips alludes to his evilness
8. action: Crazy Stupid Love: winking at others
9. structure:
10. mise en scene: composition --> ex: There Will be Blood: shadows on face

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