Monday, February 23, 2015

Lady Gaga's Transformation (supplemental post #2)

Nowadays, it has become much more challenging and demanding to be famous and important. Before, having talent was enough – might that be in singing, acting or both. But today, actors and singers are required to have a differential in order to be recognized in long term. For that, many people go to the extremes to make a statement, either through their style or actions. Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga are prime examples of that. Miley Cyrus’ edginess and questionable attire on her shows made her famous and prominent in the media. Lady Gaga’s different sense of style is what made her popular and notable in the media as well.

Miley Cyrus wearing a transparent dress
 The video below describes the extremes that Miley has gone to make sure her shows are unforgettable for her fans:

Lagy Gaga
Lady Gaga became renowned and notorious in the media because of her extremely intense wardrobe, sometimes lack of (such as that one time she left her house wearing a bra). Her perishable dresses in classy events like the Grammys made her news for days and days. She did not gain such importance in the entertainment industry because of her singing skills. This makes me question; is this what is needed for someone to become famous in our society nowadays?

Lady Gaga at the Grammys in 2010
 Lady Gaga knew she had to play this game in order to stand out. Her different dresses, pale skin and almost white hair have always been style statements. Her sense of fashion and questionable choices has shown that she wants to be louder-than-life, provocative and extravagant. She clearly has no limits. The meat dresses, eggshell casings and shows with extravagant sets and pods have always been weird but yet very impactful.

Lady Gaga trying to be an octopus (or Christmas ornament?)
Lady Gaga in an eggshell casing for Grammys
Lady Gaga in a meat dress
Here's a video of her weird but yet powerful performance in the 2013 MTV VMAs:

I believe that Gaga did this on purpose. She purposefully uses her style as a vehicle to fame and stardom. And not that she’s got it, she is going to change her image to become what she has always wanted to be; a singer that is appreciated for her voice. And the Oscars last night proved that. Her performance did not need any of the extravagant sets and accessories to be touching and amazing. People were confused and surprised with her performance. I know that I got the chills and certainly will remember her performance for a long time; this time because of her voice and simple presentation. Since the release of her newest jazz album, Cheek to Cheek, in collaboration with Tony Bennett, she has substituted her overstated closet to a more everlasting, Hollywood glamour style. Gaga is finally reaching the pinnacle of her career and getting where she has always wanted to be. Here's a video of her performance:

So what's next in the Gaga transformation?

1 comment:

  1. I really like that you wrote about this because I think this is such an interesting aspect of the modern star. With the internet and social media so prevalent in society, it is harder to stand a part- something that I think fuels creativity in performers like Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga. Personally, I have not been a fan of Lady Gaga since her early CD came out when I was about 16. After that was when she began to go to extremes, and it kind of put me off. Before Miley's transformation, I was a fan. Now, while I am still very intrigued by her presence in pop culture, I do not feel as much of a fan connection to her as I did years ago. I guess this says something about what appeals to me as a consumer. Watching Lady Gaga's performance last night, I was truly blown away. It showed a side of her I had never seen before anywhere. Seeing her performance made me think about how she and Miley have achieved fame, and why. I totally agree with your thoughts on it, and I think Lady Gaga is finally revealing what her true aspirations and intentions as an artist are.


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