I will be dividing my observations of the two different fan cultures into three sections:
a. Gift-giving
b. Home master
c. Community (a.k.a. fan club)
Today, I will be talking about a. Gift-giving.
In Korea, there is a tradition that has developed called "조공" (Jo Gong).
Its root goes back to when Korea was seen as a sub-country of China.
In order to maintain good relationship with the bigger country, Korea would send various goods to the Chinese emperor.
Nowadays, the word is also being used to describe the act of Korean fans supporting their stars by presenting them with various goods. There are two big occasions where the fans give the stars Jo Gong: birthdays and sets.
Before their stars' birthdays, the fans, usually in groups of community (either in fan clubs or in supporting websites), comply money to buy presents. The presents range from artworks done by fans to even an IMac computer. Some fans would post advertisements throughout Seoul, such as on buses, subway stations, and newspapers, to celebrate the occasion.
Jo Gongs gifted to a star by a certain fan club which includes comic books, cosmetics, tea, humidifier, wine, and snacks
Jo Gongs gifted to a star by a certain fan club which includes stereo, TV, Macbook Pro, perfumes, sunglasses, wines, vitamins, snacks, and jewelries
Ad created to celebrate a star's coming of age day at a subway station
Birthday advertisement for a star by a fan union

1. One fan of an idol group found out that her star loves English Premier League, especially the player Fernando Torres. Even though she does not speak English, she sent a letter to Torres to explain her star's upcoming birthday. Torres, after reading the letter, sent an autographed ball and shirt to the fan, which she gave it to the idol group member in his birthday. In a way, the fan linked the star (member of the idol group) to his star (Torres)!
2-a. Some stars are known to not receive physical presents for their birthdays. Rather, they encourage the fans to do good in the world. Still, some fans do Jo Gong by philanthropy, such as donate money in their stars' name.
2-b. Example of Jo Gong that has philanthropic meaning (creating forest in Seoul in the star's name)
Fans also support their stars when they are shooting a new drama or movie (for singers and Idol groups, for their new album). To wherever their stars are, in different stations or sets in the countryside, the fans would usually prepare food for not only their stars, other stars in the case of drama and movie shoots, but also for the whole staffs. They do this in order to not only feed their loving stars but also to entrust their stars come out well on screen by the happy, non-hungry staffs. The act of Jo Gong to these numerous staffs ultimately benefits the stars, giving them good image and the good quality of their performances.
Jo Gong prepared for staffs, co-stars, and the star to eat during a drama shooting
Jo Gong (gift box filled with hand creams and other goods) for the staffs being prepared
Stars, or the entertainment company, would then post the stars with the Jo Gongs, which certifies that they have received the fans' presents.
Idol group member taking selfies to show that she received the Jo Gong

Star taking a selfie in the moment of enjoying the Jo Gong
I think this is an unique fan culture of Korea. So far, I have not seen any U.S. fandom who would organize such support to its stars. There is a case of stars doing the vice versa. It is called "역조공" (Yuk Jo Gong--yuk meaning reverse), where stars would prepare gifts to their fans. Although they cannot give presents to all their fans, they would prepare food or small gift to share with the ever-supportive fans. Some stars in the U.S. also Yuk Jo Gonged to their fans. Recently, Taylor Swift gave random fans Christmas presents, which included a 2014 London Victoria's Secret Fashion Show duffle bag stuffed with exclusive merchandise, a Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 Polaroid camera with four packs of film and picture frames, bath and beauty products from Australia, Brandy Melville apparel, a large stuffed animal fox, blankets, throw pillows, candles, $200's worth of gift cards, and a Christmas sweater (Wang, Billboard). It seems universal for stars in both countries to show their appreciation to their fans by giving them presents. The joy of the fans who receive these would also be universal to the U.S. and Korean fans.
Members of an Idol group hand-wrapping the Yuk Jo Gong gifts
Same Idol group presenting the fans who are waiting to watch their performance food
Some fans who have received the Yuk Jo Gong from their stars would post the gift on their fan club community or even on their SNS
Capture of Taylor Swift wrapping gift boxes for fans
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