This picture of her at the 2000 Grammy's was one of the first pictures of J-Lo that got people going. Today, people are doing absurd things to get big butts. A large percentage of men and women are making their butts bigger through the use of fat injections aka the Brazilian Butt Lift. A shocking statistic says that the number of people getting that procedure is up 53%.
There is even a new craze called Belfies. Butt-Selfies. What they basically come down to are just pictures of girls in the mirror sticking their butts out as much as they can to make them seem bigger.
The popularity of big butts continues to grow as musicians like Nikki Minaj and Iggy go about their performances in outfits that reveal entire butts.
One positive thing that might have come with this obsession is that girls are lifting weights more in order to achieve this look. Normally females have shied away from lifting because they think it makes them look bulky, but now females are squatting more than ever just to get that big butt like Kim.
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ReplyDeleteThanks Courtney for the statistics; it’s fascinating to see that the number of people getting “butt lifts” is up 53% and I do agree that this new trend is promoting healthier lifestyle (lifting weights and squats) for girls who are trying to achieve this look.
While Sir Mix-A-Lot’s 1992 ode to huge booties was considered risqué, even ground breaking at the time, that sentiment is now commonplace. Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda” and of course, JLo’s “Booty,” are testament to that. But “the bigger the better” mentality has gone beyond making our rear areas bigger; thanks to Kylie Jenner, teens are now trying to emulate her lips by sucking on shot glasses or plastic bottles. Funny how timing works; today while browsing through my newsfeed, I came across not one but three articles about teens taking on this “Kylie Jenner Challenge” (pictures are all over Instragram with the #KylieJennerChallenge tag). This goes back to the topic of race we discussed in class; the trend of having fuller lips (especially on white girls) is considered “racist” (as some articles put it) because they are trying to imitate the features of black women. It is quite interesting to see that the influence of “black culture” transcends not just music and films but also female body type.