Thursday, April 30, 2015

Supplemental Post #7: Lena Dunham

A huge focus of this class has been on celebrities that have had impacts on society throughout the different decades, Madonna, J-lo, Beyonce to name a few.  All are classically beautiful and appealing to almost everyone who looks on to them.  As iconic as they were for their generations, I think as we progress into the 2000's we will have a much different look when it comes to a female icon.  One woman that I have in mind is Lena Dunham.  She is a writer, producer, and actress in the HBO series girls and has a completely unique voice.  She is someone who struggled with insecurities all her life and has made a point to bring them up in her show.  Her show also brings up the struggles of young adulthood which include relationships, jobs, money.  I believe her work is going to have a more meaningful impact on our generation when compared to how someone like Madonna has impacted her own generations.


  1. I find it extremely interesting how celebrities these days are gaining a lot of publicity and criticism based on their unique and 'different' personalities. Many successful stars in the industry have a great impact on the youth simply because they are 'themselves'. It is refreshing to see celebrities act like real people!! (well, they are human at the end of the day!!) Stars like Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone are both brilliant actresses, yet they are also highly respected for their quirky and cute personalities!! Stars today don't necessarily have to gain publicity by doing outrageous things or by straying from their individualism, and their actions don't always have to scream WOMAN EMPOWERMENT and FEMINISM! Just being 'real' makes them unique!! Great supplement post! I love Lena Dunham! :)

  2. Supplemental Post #6

    I think this new direction for stars is incredibly important for society. For so long, (and even still now) celebrities, in all their seeming perfection, tend to point out to a person all their imperfections. They project the idea that what they are is the ideal, in the way they look, speak, dress, and talk. Even politically correct sexual preference is projected by stars. So, I think it is important that today we are beginning to see more "real" stars. More stars who are not a size 2, do not have perfect facial structure, or are gay or transgender. Is it important for what is previously seen as imperfections to be put in the spotlight by people who are admired, because it will help fans to stop beating themselves up over the way the look, act, or feel. That's why I agree that Lena Dunham is an important example of the new star. Not only is she not the typical star in body or looks, but she also talks about her insecurities to show people that no one is perfect, and that it is okay to feel different.


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